ALEX BURDORF | Head of Department
Contributions to an inclusive society
Life is often not fair. Education, gender, ethnicity, and postal code are well-documented determinants of inequalities in wealth and health. In recent years inequalities has become a theme (again) of political interest. An inclusive society to me is a society for all, whereby each individual, irrespectively of background, can participate in society. The COVID-19 pandemic has setback this ambition, and we need to step up our efforts in many areas.
As a research department we have conducted many studies that have documented the magnitude of socio-economic inequalities in health and the contribution of specific individual, social, cultural, economic and physical factors to these inequalities. Health inequalities are certainly a wicked problem, and we need innovative methods to unravel its complexity. We need different approaches and strategies to translate our understanding of this wicked problem into actionable targets for prevention. More than even before, we need multidisciplinary research teams to tackle the grand challenges in society. It is my profound belief that this can only be achieved with more diverse research teams in a diverse academic environment.
As a research department we want to practise what we preach. In recent years we have actively hired staff from disadvantaged groups in the labour market. We are now close to 4% of our personnel from these groups and there is certainly room for further improvement. Based on our own research, we know that labour force participation in vulnerable groups will be beneficial for health. We are going through an interesting transition in leadership and women are breaking the glass ceiling. By next year our department will have more female professors than male professors. Also in other areas diversity and inclusiveness are receiving more attention and activities are pursued to contribute to an inclusive organisation and society. I am blessed to work in an environment where we do not take inclusiveness for granted; it may be hard work to achieve our ambitions, but watching talents prosper is a tangible daily reward.
Alex Burdorf
Head of Department